Graphic Design Thoughts

What is your earliest design memory?

The earliest memory of design that I have is when I was a kid, I was obsessed with making Powerpoints.

They were exciting and it felt like I could create a whole new world as a kid. I think I still chase those feelings now.

Where do you find inspiration?

I find take of inspiration from nature and the world around us. Graphic design is everywhere and it is such an influential tool to make the world a better place.

How do you overcome creative block?

When I experience creative block, I like to get out of the computer and start working with my hands. I will play piano, paint with watercolors, or bake something yummy.

I find when I work with my hands, I get into the flow state, which is an awesome creative space, and I can work through potential ideas for a particular project or generally.

Why is typography important in graphic design?

Type is important because it influences the message and the idea that you are trying to convey to your audience.

Type also can build brand recognition and give the design more consistency